Inputs – Mastersurvey Help - Help - Dashboard

After Login to Mastersurvey you will reach this the screen mentioned above. It is a dashboard.

You will click on Select Create New Form Option and you will receive New Form as below. - Help - New Projects Creation

Please type the form /project name. For Testing we have written Mastersurvey Help.

Below mention  screen will appear. - Help - Front Page

Now we will check all the options mentioned on the left side which are Inputs, Choices, Media, Heading & Write-up, Options & Conditional Logic.

Let us Begin with Inputs: - Help - Front Page

We will check Text, Date, Time, Date & Time, Number, Email, URL, Password & Textarea Inputs.

Option : Textbox

Configuration of Text of Inputs Section.

With the help of open-ended questions, get to know your respondent’s deep thoughts precisely. - Help - Inputs Option - Textbox

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Text Form should have a record.

Unique: This Text Form should not have repetitive data.

Read only: Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

Fetch Mapping Data: This setup field will fetch data from any from.

Set Mapping Data : Will work as unique and send data to another form.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Option : Date

Select date from a pop up calendar. Can be clubbed with custom restriction to only let a certain be a valid response. The response collects the date, day and month and year. - Help - Inputs Option - Date

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Date Format :

There are 3 ways you can display date.




Please pick  one option from the Combo Box.

Required: This Date Form should have a record.

Read Only:

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Configuration of Time Area of Inputs Section.

Time can be gathered in 12H or 24H format.

Option : Time - Help - Inputs Option - Time

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Time Form should have a record.

Read Only:  Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Configuration of Date & Time Area of Inputs Section.

Collects both Date and Time, with date first and then the time. The format for date is dd-mm-yyyy and the format for time is 24H.

Option : Date & Time - Help - Inputs Option - Date & Time

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Date & Time Form should have a record.

Read Only:  Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Configuration of Numbers Area of Inputs Section.

Only numerical values with a feature to set custom filters on the value. Eg: Greater than, less than or equal to, only integer etc.

Option : Number - Help - Inputs Option - Numbers

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Min Length : Enter Minimum Length of Numbers Input

Max Length : Enter Maximum Length of Numbers Input

Min Value : Enter Minimum Value of the Number

Max Value : Enter Maximum Value of the Number

Pattern :

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Number Field should have a record.

Unique: This Text Form should not have repetitive data.

Read only: Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

Integer Only: Consider Input Only Numbers as Numbers and Do Not Define Input Numbers As Text

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Option : Email

Configuration of Email Area of Inputs Section.

Collects email from the respondents. - Help - Inputs Option - Email

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Email Field should have a record.

Unique: This Text Form should not have repetitive data.

Read only:  Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Configuration of URL Area of Inputs Section.

Insert URL for anything on web and it checks the URL. Be it your resume, your photo drive, a video you found funny or a large document.

Option : URL - Help - Inputs Option - URL

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Text Form should have a record.

Unique: This URL Field should not have repetitive data.

Read only: Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Configuration of Password Area of Inputs Section.

Password is collected, with standard hidden characters that can be made visible with ‘view’ button.

Option : Password - Help - Inputs Option - Password

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Required: This Password Field should have a record.

Unique: This Text Form should not have repetitive data.

Read only:  Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.

Configuration of Textarea of Inputs Section. Let’s you enter medium to large text. Comes with a customizable feature to adjust the default height (in no. of lines) when the question appears in the form.

Option : Textarea - Help - Inputs Option - Textarea

Label : Here you write the Text which you want to display.

Step is number of the Form on Project Dashboard. Refer to this Image below. Check the + Sign.

Mastersurvey Main Screen : - Help - Front Page

Custom Validation Message:

You have the option to mention please write Characters, Numbers or both.

Select Section: Not required for this Form-Inputs Option. Attaches the question to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy.

ID: This characters & numbers field is generated automatically.

Placeholder: A custom message for respondents can be placed inside the input field.

Predefined Value: Default Data Entered

Help writeup: Gives the user a hint to the answer of the question.

Height: Enter Textarea Height – There is NO Width

Select Roster Group: Attaches the roster group to a particular section of the survey, thus keeping your survey more organised and tidy..

Required: This Textarea Field should have a record.

Unique: This Text Form should not have repetitive data.

Read only: Non Editable

Disabled: This option should not work.

To SAVE the settings please press Submit Button of Blue Color on bottom right side.